Tag Archive for: Senior Nutrition

Diabetic Diet: 5 Tips to Successfully Manage the Holidays

This season of holiday celebrations is the perfect time to spend time with family and friends, but let’s be honest: it’s often also a time for overindulgence in unhealthy meal choices. With a plethora of rich, fatty, and sugary delicacies to choose from at every turn, it’s challenging to abide by a healthy diabetic diet, which can lead to serious health issues for diabetics. These guidelines, however, from the leaders in home health services in Beaumont, TX and nearby areas can help diabetics remain safe during the holiday season while avoiding feeling deprived of enjoyable treats. Be sure to first consult with the doctor for his or her approval on any meal choices that stray from an approved nutrition plan. 

  • Decide on your top choices. Review choices during a holiday meal, and identify your top two carbs to enjoy. For example, figure out if you’d like to have stuffing or rolls, or select between mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, as opposed to indulging in all of the choices. 
  • BYO. If attending a holiday gathering at someone’s home, speak with the host about your nutritional constraints, and offer to bring a healthy dish to share, such as a tray of vegetables or a sugar-free dessert. 
  • Snack first. Enjoying a healthy snack prior to the holiday meal will help keep blood sugar levels consistent and aid in preventing the temptation to go overboard. Good snack choices for diabetics include nuts, veggies with hummus, celery with peanut butter, string or cottage cheese, or an egg. 
  • Stay hydrated. Having a bottle of water before sitting down to enjoy the meal will help create a sensation of fullness, making it less likely that you’ll be tempted to overindulge.  
  • Remain active. Following a heavy meal, defy the urge to settle into the recliner and watch TV shows or nap; instead, provide help with washing dishes, play an active game with the children, or take a walk in the brisk fall air.  

If in spite of these strategies you end up overindulging or making less-than-healthy selections, be kind and forgiving to yourself. Bear in mind that tomorrow is a new day to pick up healthy habits again. Keep a close watch on your blood sugar to make sure levels stay in the appropriate range and to avoid the potential for serious health issues for diabetics, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, which could cause a hospitalization and surely put a damper on the holiday spirit. 

Reach out to one of the top home health agencies in Beaumont, TX, Montebello Home Care, to learn more diabetic diet-friendly tips, for assistance with preparing healthy meals, providing medication reminders, support to engage in physical activity programs, and much more! We’re here for you throughout the holiday season and beyond to empower seniors to live their best possible lives. Email or call our care team at 409-276-7576 to request a free in-home consultation today or to learn more about how our award-winning services for home health in Beaumont, TX and the surrounding areas can help! Visit our Service Area page to see all of the Texas communities we serve.

The Importance of a Well-Balanced Diet for Cancer Patients

Diet for Chemo Patients

For more tips on diet for chemo patients, call on Montebello Home Care!

Maintaining a well-balanced diet is particularly important for those undergoing chemotherapy or another type of cancer treatment, but one of the leading side effects preventing patients from eating well is a change in how food tastes. It’s necessary to alleviate this and other obstacles to healthy eating in order to preserve the strength needed for chemo treatments and guard against infections. A well-balanced diet for cancer patients may perhaps even help them better cope with increasing levels of certain types of medications.

When suffering from challenges with changes in taste that prevent adhering to a suggested dietary plan throughout cancer treatment, the following cancer nutrition tips from Montebello Home Care, one of the premier home care agencies in Beaumont, TX, and the surrounding areas, can help:

  • Try varying food temperatures. For some people undergoing cancer treatment, cold food is more palatable, providing less fragrance than hot foods, which might increase feelings of nausea.
  • Experiment with a variety of seasonings. Marinades, herbs, and spices can make food more enticing. Several options to try include mint, garlic, rosemary, lemon, dill and basil.
  • Focus on oral health. Taste buds can become inflamed by chemotherapy, and bacteria amounts may become out of balance. Cleaning the teeth with a soft toothbrush and mild toothpaste a few times throughout each day, along with visiting the dentist for further suggestions, can be helpful.
  • Consume smaller portions. Smaller, more frequent meals are generally easier to digest. Be sure to include plenty of fluids, both during and between meals, as well.
  • Try gum and mints. Sugar-free gum and mints, or other flavored hard candy, can help decrease the metallic or bitter tastes in the mouth that can occur from chemo treatments. They can also stimulate production of saliva to relieve a dry mouth.
  • Partner with a dietitian. A professional dietitian who has expertise in cancer nutrition can help with advising food choices specific to the person’s particular difficulties. The dietitian can also recommend applicable vitamin supplements, high-nutrition liquid shakes, etc.

For more tips to overcome changes in taste or other side effects of chemotherapy while maintaining a healthy diet for cancer patients, contact Montebello Home Care, the top provider of Beaumont, TX senior care. Our care services can help those going through cancer treatment in numerous ways, such as planning, shopping for, and preparing healthy and delicious meals, supplying accompanied transportation to medical appointments and procedures, and serving as a comforting companion. Contact our team of caregivers at 409-276-7576 to discover more about our professional in-home care services, to request an assessment in the comfort of home, or to learn more about why we’re one of the top-rated home care agencies in Beaumont, TX and the surrounding areas we serve.